Monthly Income Scheme : Future 36

S. No. Minimum Deposit Amount Total Maturity Amount Rate Of Intrest Per Month Multiple Amount
1 100000 100000 11% 917 10000
2 200000 200000 - 1833 -
3 300000 300000 - 2750 -
4 500000 500000 - 4583 -
5 1000000 1000000 - 9167 -

Monthly Income Scheme : Future 60

S. No. Minimum Deposit Amount Total Maturity Amount Rate Of Intrest Per Month Multiple Amount
1 100000 100000 12% 1000 10000
2 200000 200000 - 2000 -
3 300000 300000 - 3000 -
4 500000 500000 - 5000 -
5 1000000 1000000 - 10000 -